Lincoln on Leadership by Dr. Larry Long


This course is a comprehensive summary of the book “Lincoln on Leadership, Executive Strategies for Tough Times”, by Donald T. Phillips.  The book gives a leadership perspective from President Abraham Lincoln, who arguably led the United States through one of the most trying times in American history.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course student should be able to:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of Lincoln’s leadership philosophies and practices.
  • Understand the importance of discipline
  • Learn to promote collaborative leadership and team mindsets.

Instructor:  Dr. Larry Long, Executive Director of CJC-CLD serves as Professor and Executive Director of the School of Communication at Illinois State University.  He holds a Bachelor of Science (Speech, Education, Mathematics) from Northwestern Oklahoma State University, a Master of Science (Communication, Educational & Psychological Research) from the University of North Texas, and a PhD (Organizational Communication, Management, Research Methods, Computer Science) from the University of Oklahoma.  In addition, he received the honor of being named as the 1998-99 “Person of the Year” by the National Society of Accountants for his work in developing their strategic plan and process decision making systems.  Dr. Long has been qualified as an expert witness in product liability litigation, particularly in the areas of warning label efficacy and research methodology.  Dr. Long is a retired artillery and infantry officer who completed 21 years of honorable service with the Army National Guard and is an honorary member of the U.S. Army Special Forces, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

lincoln-on-leadership-bookLincoln on Leadership tells the tail of one of the most influential presidents of American history. It’s a quick read that really touches the core of leadership and the man who exemplified the subject best, Abraham Lincoln. The way the book is titled makes you think that it was Lincoln himself who actually wrote it (this is not true). Although there’s a good amount of writing by Lincoln in the book, the lessons are mostly interpreted by the author Donald T. Phillips, through actual historical events taken from the president’s life in office. The author does a great job of extracting the jewels of leadership wisdom by analyzing Lincoln’s actions. Lincoln on Leadership is not a step by step guide on leadership theory, it is more of a biography on Lincoln’s life in office. If your looking for a thorough history on Lincoln don’t bother, most of the items covered are during the Civil War, the time where Lincoln displayed most of his leadership abilities.


~ Learning quickly what motivates teams.
~ Asking your team for their review on a given situation.
~ Thinking beyond what happened in the short term.
~ Knowing how to train and develop your team.
~ Setting standards to build a team you can rely on. 


~ Thinking yesterday’s results will still count tomorrow. 
~ Being out of touch with your own emotions.
~ Not noticing what is going on around you.
~ Not asking for feedback on your leadership ideas.
~ Not keeping physically fit and thinking positively.

—  Christina Osborne, 2009



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